Odour Control & Ozone
Effectively eliminate odours and improve air quality in your grow space with our range of ozone generators, designed for use in hydroponic systems and indoor gardens. These powerful devices help neutralise persistent smells and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) commonly found in enclosed indoor growing environments..
Ozone is a potent natural oxidiser that reacts with odorous compounds, breaking them down and leaving your grow room smelling fresh. Ozone generators are especially effective at removing tough smells from organic matter and grow mediums.
Important Safety Note: While ozone is effective at eliminating odours, it can be harmful to both plants and humans when exposed to high concentrations. Use ozone generators with caution by ensuring proper ventilation and only running them in unoccupied spaces, or in short bursts to manage odour levels without risking health or plant damage.
Explore our collection of ozone generators today to help keep your grow room free from unwanted odours, while maintaining a safer, healthier atmosphere for you and your plants.
If a quick fix for leaked grow room smells is needed, then placing ONA blocks around your grow room area or placing them in an ONA Air Filter is a useful solution. A blast of Fresh Linen Air Odour Neutralising Spray will also eliminate unwanted odours. These shouldn't however be used as a substitute for carbon filtration, which is an essential component in every grow room.